Intuitive Nutrition:
Mind & Body Detox Challenge
A program for men and women who are looking to "end the war" with their body, feel healthy, and confident!
Have you been experiencing stress and anxiety, and you need practical tools on how to overcome it?
Do you lack energy, often feel run down and fatigued, and/or are carrying around extra weight on your body?
Do you have unwanted bloating and inflammation in your body?
Are you frustrated because you feel stuck and you just want to give up?
Join this 8 WK JOURNEY TO FREEDOM and love the body you're in!
Start Date Oct 1st @ 7pm - Nov 19th​
Join a Tribe of Like-Minded Individuals With Group Coaching For 8 weekly 60 min Coaching Sessions, Curated Resources, Action Steps to Keep You on Track and Empower You Outside of Class
Private FB Page to Connect for Accountability
Cost is $498 Bring a Friend And Each of You Will Receive $75 Off!
Registration Deadline: Sept 29th at Midnight
In this “INTUITIVE NUTRITION” program, you will…
Rest your system with a mind and body detox!
Discover how stress is an underlying factor to your health issues and how to reverse it.
​Learn which foods help restore your energy and which ones deplete it.
Develop an understanding where self sabotage shows up and how to deal with it to gain control and freedom in your life!