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Nikki Draper

Health and Life Coach


As an entrepreneur, wife, and mother of two kids, Nikki understands how demanding life can get...which can be overwhelming at times! In 2022 and 2023, she got a full dose of some of the most stressful experiences in life: death of a close loved one; selling her business and changing careers after 20 yrs; adapting to her mother moving in with she and her family after not living in the same town for 26 yrs; moving the whole family three times, twice across country; building a house; health issues that western medicine couldn't fix; and battling depression from the loss of identity and all of the above! 


From a small child, to a peer counselor in high school, Nikki has always been a lover of people. With a degree in Communication, 20 plus years under her belt as a hairstylist, and six plus years as a small business owner, she has been passionate about relationships and helping people grow into the version of themselves that they desire to be.

As a certified health and life coach, she guides, supports, and empowers individuals to live their best lives. Nikki specializes in helping people manage stress; overcome overwhelm; live a life with more balance and ease with a holistic approach using positive intelligence and mindfulness tools; and most important, reconnect with their true identity. Her passion is to see people let go of their inner judgement, switch from confusion to clarity, and learn the life is about finding joy in the journey, not just the destination. 

Certifications and Accreditations

  • ICF Certified Health and Life Coach 

  • C.I.J. Clarity Catalyst Certification program- J.G. Enterprises, LLC/Stanford University- certification 

  • Small Business owner at Dulce Vida Hair Salon- 6 ½ years

  • B.A. in Communication, Emphasis in Public Relations at SDSU

  • 20 yrs + of coaching behind the chair as a licensed cosmetologist

Set up a 30 minute Discovery Call to see if I can be a resource!

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