8 Week Mind and Body Freedom Challenge
Join Me For An 8 Week Journey To Freedom Starting Oct 1st-
Summer is Coming, Which Means You Will be Wearing Less Clothes and More Exposed
Feel Comfortable in Your Skin
Find Your Confidence to be Seen Right in Time for July 4th
Join a Tribe of Like-Minded Individuals With Group Coaching For 8 weekly 60 min Coaching Sessions, Curated Resources, Action Steps to Keep You on Track and Empower You Outside of Class
Private FB Page to Connect for Accountability
Cost is $325 Bring a Friend And Each of You Will Recieve $50 Off!
Registration Deadline: May 12th at Midnight
Week 1: Where are you? Where do you want to be?
This week, you will be detoxing your mind and body to clear the clutter and toxins out of our life to make room for what you desire. Get clear with where you want to be and how to do it.
Week 3: Discover Self Sabotage and Your Limiting Beliefs
Understand the toxic cycle of self sabotage, how it shows up, and how to overcome it. Discover where you emotionally eat and to replace it with what your inner self is actually asking for.
Week 5: Mental Rehearsal for success
Learn the tools of reframing and shift your mindset to success, living your best life and owning it. Deepen your intuition in decision making.
Week 7: What part of you wants to be nourished?
Discover what areas of your life that are needing your attention. Identify how to shift your life and create healthy boundaries. Learn what healthy self love looks like.
Week 2: Follow Your Energy
This week, you will discover what foods give you energy and what takes it away. Learn how to honor your hunger and fullness and how to balance your blood sugar and schedule. Add in movement with ease to give you an energy boost.
Week 4: Stress Management
Discover how to activate your relaxation response and get out of your stress response. Identify your triggers. Learn how to boost your metabolism and stop producing so much cortisol.
Week 6: Tap into Your Personal Power
Discover how to unlock stuck energy in the body and where you carry it. Find wisdom inside your body that could unlock healing. Bring awareness to tap into your personal power.
Week 8: Acknowledge Your Journey and Your New Norms
Discover the gift of acknowledgement. Learn how to discover a deeper appreciation for the people in your life. Bring awareness to the ways you have grown through this journey.